Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Registering Domain Names

There are many opportunities to begin your own home based business through the internet. This trend is sweeping the nation and some experts predicted that sixty percent of the work force will be working from their home within the next ten years. Many of the companies are multi-level dealerships and others are stand alone free businesses. Many companies encourage the new business owner to name their company.

My husband and I started our own dealership and gave our company a name to place on our business cards. When I was talking to a tax consultant he asked me if I knew about registering domain names. I think he could tell by my silence that I did not know what he was talking about. He explained that when you name a company you can protect the name from anyone else using it by registering domain names with the state in which you live. He said that it was not necessary to do this, but many people have found that registering domain names can save them hassles in the future is someone else would use the same name. He also cautioned not to fall into schemes that charge money. Registering domain names is something that the business owner can do with the secretary of state’s office in the state you reside in. This can be done on line in most states, and involves filling out a form. Some people on the internet will run ads claiming that they will register you business name for a nominal fee. People will give them the business information and then the person will go on line and register the name for free and pocket the money that they charge.

There are many advertisements on the internet that make claims of registering domain names cheap, or for a nominal amount you can have the registration taken care of. I was glad that the accountant told me that registering domain names is free and easy to do, or I probably would have answered one of the ads and paid someone to do it for me. As I bring new business owners into our company I pass this information on to them. One of my business partners wanted to go through the process of registering domain names because she was quite proud of the name that she came up with for her company. She went on line and followed the directions of the state’s official website. She said that it took her less than fifteen minutes to complete the process.

Change Career

Wouldn’t you love to have a career that wasn’t a job, that wasn’t this thing molding you into someone you really don’t want to be? You’re not alone, many people just like you are looking for a career change, to find something that they truly enjoy and don’t mind doing on a routine basis. For some people, it may be finding a home based business opportunity or even going back to college and totally starting over. This really isn’t that uncommon. Many people become dissatisfied and bored with their current situations from time to time, which is why midlife career changes are not that uncommon. Maybe you’re one of them. You decided to take the practical approach like many people do, and you became entrapped in a dead end job with average benefits and little time off. You should change careers, and the sooner the better!

Many people put off changing careers for one reason or another time after time. It may never be the right time financially, or the kids are still at home, or you have some sick feeling of obligation to your manager who never appreciates you or your contributions. If you keep putting it off and waiting for a better time, it will never happen, and you’ll never know how good it could have been. Just do it! Don’t be scared! Choose to change careers when you will benefit from it most, when you have all your ducks in a row, and you can make the transition with as little resistance as possible. It would also be a good idea to consult a professional for career change advice that will ensure that you don’t leave out any pertinent details.

To change careers successfully, it is important to research your choice before fully committing. You surely wouldn’t want to resign from your present position until you have your plans set (remember the best laid plans of mice and men . . . ). It may be more challenging for some than for others to change careers, such as those people that are pursuing a mid life career change into a field that they have absolutely no prior experience. It’s not impossible by any means, and many people become successful owning their own business or taking on a home based business venture as well as other entrepreneurial business opportunities. To change careers is to open another chapter in your life, pursue your dreams, and be happy doing what you want to do!